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CoNISMa is a consortium of 35 Italian Universities, born in 1994, gathering the excellence of Italian national competences in Marine Sciences, with focus on marine biodiversity and marine ecosystems functioning. The Consortium managed more than 60 international projects in the last 10 years. CoNISMa has large competence on the following fields: Marine Biology and Ecology, Oceanography and Climatology, Marine Geology and Sedimentology, Biological Oceanography and Marine Chemistry, Maritime and Coastal Hydraulics, Marine Energy, Territorial Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Social Sciences and Territory Management, Fishing, Fish Farming and Sea Farming, Marine Technologies, Marine Biotechnologies, Marine Protected Areas, Climate Change, Coastal Environment, Ocean Environment, Transitional Environments, Extreme Environments, Polar Environments. We have been partners of FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, and have also been coordinators or partners in Interreg MED, Interreg Italia-Albania-Montenegro, Interreg Italy-Croatia and Adrion Programme, ENPI-CBC MED Programme. At present, we manage the COST ACTION MAF-WORLD. In Ocean Citizen we participate with five Local Research Units in Genova (Prof. Vassallo, Chiantore and Asnaghi), Trento (Prof. Fezzi and Notaro), Trieste (Prof. Falace), Bologna (Prof. Costantini), Siena (Prof. Ferrini).

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